Increase your ROAS with EDMs

Published by Kristian Curcio on May 24, 2022 11:39:39 AM

Did you know that, on average, a consumer will need to interact with your brand eight times before committing to a purchase?

Referred to as the ‘final push’, EDMs have one of the highest ROIs among the many marketing methods available, generating an average of $38 for every $1 spent. Add email marketing into your mix to reach customers directly, adding another touchpoint to your consumer experience.

Building an email list

EDMs are the simplest way to provide added touch points throughout the consumer journey to contribute to solidifying purchase intent. However, it is important to note that to send an EDM you must have already acquired the consumer's email.

You're probably already running social media ads, but to understand how EDMs can maximise your ROI, you must first consider the journey that each consumer takes within the wider marketing landscape before committing to purchasing from your business. At 500, we split this path into three stages:
1. Awareness: Introduce the consumer to the brand and build trust and rapport.
2. Interest: Provide further information about your business, including your unique selling proposition.
3. Conversion: Encourage the consumer to solidify their purchase intent and make an order or commit to a booking.

What’s important to remember is that email marketing is designed to support wider marketing initiatives that work together to push the consumer down the funnel, rather than stand alone as a marketing strategy.

To expand on this, without utilising wider methods, you can’t secure email addresses to send brilliant email marketing to. Moreover, it is important to note that while you may build a small portion of your list through customers reaching checkout, industry marketing best practice indicates that EDMs work best alongside Paid Social Media campaigns. When working with 500, these campaigns will generally involve ads across each stage of the marketing funnel.

There are various types of Paid Social Ads that are designed to encourage consumers to provide personal information. Importantly, there must be a burning hook in each - known as a WIIF, or “What's in it for me?” that encourages the exchange of details. Most common are give-aways or sign-ups for a discount or exclusive offer as both provide a benefit to the consumer. An EDM can then help nurture the client over the next few days or weeks with direct and personal communications, offering a final push for consumers stuck at the bottom of the conversion funnel.

Types of EDMs

Learn about the specific purposes and best practices of the most common types of EDMs:

When your business first captures client information, generally through a website sign-up or purchase, it is important to begin cementing their trust by forming a positive relationship. For commerce businesses, a welcome email may contain a first-time-purchase discount code. Likewise, for a service-based business, this email should offer value and encourage uptake.

Abandoned Cart
Once you’ve spent money to get a potential client to your website, you’re nearly at the top of the mountain. If that consumer doesn’t purchase on the spot, the fool-proof next step is to capture their details and follow up with abandoned cart emails to help solidify their purchase intent. A great strategy for these EDMs is to present an offer such as a small discount, free shipping, or a product add-on to create urgency.

Thank You for Your Order / Booking
After an order has been placed, the businesses must demonstrate their trustworthiness and dependability by sending an order confirmation that thanks the consumer and provides information about the next steps, whether that be shipping details or appointment information.

Re-Orders / Re-Bookings
Repeat customers indicate that a business is offering a top-quality product or service. By sending a follow-up email to past customers at strategic increments, their memory of the product is revitalised. For example, a tax agent may send follow-up emails to clients around tax time each year, while a food e-commerce company may send a follow-up a month after use based on average consumption time.

Regular newsletters help keep consumers informed about the industry and business-specific trends and updates. Most commonly distributed on a weekly or monthly basis, these EDMs should present new information that builds brand trust and credibility.

Offer Notifications
One of the best benefits of developing an email database is having a group of people to communicate sales and offers with the moment that they become available. Where other marketing channels may take days or weeks to reach the consumer, email is direct and instant, perfect for limited-time-only offers that encourage on-the-spot conversion.

What about organic?

Paid advertisements are only half of the equation on TikTok.

Aside from ad reach, TikTok found that 67% percent of users are inspired by the platform to shop. Likewise, 73% feel a deeper connection to brands they interact with on the platform. This makes sharing intelligent organic essential.

The most important consideration when sharing original content on a brand account is to consider how to leverage current trends. Known for its fast-paced trend lifestyle, businesses often find success when participating in trends as they emerge.

Take the language-education app Duolingo for example. In the space of fewer than 12 months, the brand has earned more than 3.5 million followers thanks to the daily participation of the brand's life-size bird mascot in trends from dances to skits.

Similarly, Red Bull entertains an audience of 6.5 million followers with regular content featuring on-brand stunts and humour. With a schedule of two to three videos per day, this ensures that the brand remains at the forefront of the consumer's mind each day.

Cutting through the clutter

With more than 4 billion daily email users, email marketing provides a powerful platform to make personalised contact with the vast majority of consumers. However, it is estimated that a total of 333 billion emails are sent and received each day. This makes standing out from the crowd through attention to detail essential. From the subject line to the copy, each detail should be carefully curated to encourage attention from the minute the email hits the consumer's inbox.

500’s creative-led approach to all marketing, including EDMs, is the ideal solution. By combining a tailored marketing strategy with engaging creative backed by real-time data insights, our team of experts ensures that every aspect of your emails is thoughtfully designed to retain attention and drive action. What’s more, our team is knowledgeable in the best practices surrounding branding application and platform optimisation to ensure that audiences will experience the same brand experience on mobile and desktop.

Increasing efficiencies with automation

For many businesses, the above list can indicate that a hefty number of EDMs need to be sent out per. Thankfully, what may be an overwhelming deterrent can be managed smoothly by implementing automation processes.

An abundance of email marketing automation programs are now available to businesses of all sizes, with MailChimp and Klaviyo the frontrunners when it comes to user favorability - and for a good reason. Both platforms provide the ability to integrate with your business's Customer Relations Management platform and set up automated workflows that trigger the delivery of pre-designed emails to contacts depending on where they are in the consumer journey.

500 are experts in setting up and managing EDM workflows to save your business time. From developing compelling copy to completing the design, all aspects are handled with stringent attention to detail and in line with industry best practices.

So, are you ready to increase your ROAS with EDMs?

If you’re looking to push engaged consumers through the funnel at a more accelerated rate, 500 can help you build an EDM strategy. Don’t let your wider marketing initiatives go to waste, support them with email marketing to help your business succeed.

Book a free strategy session today to analyse your consumer journey and discover how email marketing can help improve your conversion rate! Be quick, we only offer four per month!


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